Frequently Asked Questions
Please check to see if the answer to your question is on this page.
If not, you may email us with your question. Please be patient, as
we receive many emails daily; we try to answer them all, but are not
always able to.
1. Where can I order the "Little House" books or related
The Frontier Girl Mercantile carries numerous
publications as well as other items of interest. All proceeds are donated
to the various Ingalls and Wilder homesites. Several of the homesites also
have online gift shops, including:
De Smet,
Mansfield, and
Walnut Grove. We
encourage you to support the homesites with your purchases.
2. I am writing a paper on Laura Ingalls Wilder for school.
Can you help?
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Frontier Girl has a page to help solve this
problem. Click here for instructions
which hopefully will help you with your paper.
3. On the "Little House on the Prairie" tv show, there was a
character which I cannot find on your pages (e.g. Albert Ingalls,
Adam Kendall, etc.). Did they really exist?
The television series based on Laura's books included many characters
and events which did not exist in Laura's life. The Laura Ingalls
Wilder, Frontier Girl site was created to provide information about
Laura's real life and about her books. We encourage television show fans
to read the "Little House" books. A page devoted to answering the questions
of television show fans will be posted in the near future.
4. I am planning a vacation to one or more of the Little House
sites. Can you give me directions or hours and dates of operation
for the homesites? Which sites are the best to visit?
Only you can determine which sites are the best for you to visit.
Go to Laura's Homes and read information
about what each site has to offer, and make your decision based on
this. Links to official homesite websites are also provided on these
pages, which should include visitor information. Laura Ingalls Wilder, Frontier Girl is an
unofficial page, not affiliated with any homesite, and therefore
cannot answer these questions.
5. May I print out pages of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Frontier
Girl to use in a presentation or display at a school or library?
Please see our permission statement.
6. I found a broken link or a picture that didn't load
properly on one of your pages. What's wrong?
We try to keep these pages error-free; however, there are now so
many pages that it is difficult for us to catch every problem,
especially regarding links to sites other than ours that may
change addresses without our knowledge. If you run across any of
these, please email us, tell us the URL
or the
name of the page the error is on, and exactly what the problem is
so we can fix it as soon as possible. Thanks!
7. I noticed that Caroline, Laura, and Rose all lost infant sons. What
did these babies die of, and was it a hereditary condition?
Nobody knows for sure what caused the deaths of these children, but it
was probably not hereditary. Freddy seems to
have died from a sudden childhood illness, as he lived for nine months
and was apparently healthy until just before his death. Laura's and
Rose's babies died soon after birth. The mortality rate is higher for
infant boys than it is for girls, so it is probably just coincidence
that all three babies that died were boys.
8. I heard or read that Laura's daughter Rose really wrote the Little
House books. Is this true?
This controversy in recent years was sparked by the publication of
William Holtz's book The Ghost in the Little House.
Although no one can be absolutely certain what role Rose played in the
creation of the Little House books, there is sufficient evidence to
discredit Holtz's theory. A close look at the manuscripts of the books
and the correspondence between Laura and Rose regarding the books
indicates that Laura is indeed the true author of the Little House books.
Rose definitely encouraged her mother, and was an invaluable source of
help; she edited the books and offered suggestions. It was Laura,
however, who made the final decisions. Most importantly, regardless of
who wrote the books, it was Laura who lived the life of the pioneer
girl that Little House fans admire and love so dearly.
9. In the Little House books, Almanzo is only five years older
than Laura, but on this website, it says he is ten years older. Why?
In real life, Almanzo was ten years older than Laura. Laura hated the
idea of people thinking of her as a "child bride", however, so she
changed his age in the book to make his age closer to hers.
10. Where can I order the Little House on the Prairie television
episodes on video?
These are also available at the Frontier Girl Mercantile.
11. I've checked the Frontier Girl Index
and this page, and I still can't find the answer to my questions. Can
I email you now?
Yes! Email us at and we will try to
get back to you as soon as possible!

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Frontier Girl
Copyright © 1996 - 2008
Rebecca Brammer & Phil Greetham
Do not use without permission.