2. Ma and the girls rode the train to this town.
4. Uncle George's occupation on the Mississippi
7. This man was "strung up" by the railroad workers.
8. Pa went to Brookings to file a claim on this.
9. This young couple came out at Christmas to live on Silver Lake.
10. Pa built this on the claim quickly so claim-jumpers would not take
their land.
11. These men had the only real house at Silver Lake camp, and they
allowed the Ingalls family to use it for the winter.
1. This old man had consumption and was trying the "prairie cure".
3. Reverend Alden told Ma and Pa about this for blind people, which he
thought Mary might like.
5. The French Indian who kept the family from being robbed while
crossing the prairie.
6. Pa planted these tree saplings all around the house.