Frontier Kids' Page

Frontier Kids' Page

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This graphic was compiled from pictures drawn by Frontier Kids Shawna Schueler, age 7; Colleen Krakora, age 10; Tiffany
Hudson, age 10; Leslie Olson, age 13; Abbey Ginn, age 7; and Amber Stewart, age 12, and may not be used elsewhere without
permission. Background drawn by Jade Watermiller, age 7. Copyright © 2000 - Rebecca LeeAnne Irby and Phil Greetham.

Hi! My name is Laura Ingalls. I was a little girl more than one hundred years ago, but you can still meet me in my books! I have become friends with children all over the world for over seventy years through my "Little House" books.

I have lived in little houses all over the American West. Click on the picture of my house to find out about them.

My Pa drove us from place to place in our covered wagon. We had to pack all of our things into it, and still have room for my sisters and me to ride! It was crowded! And even though I loved going West, sometimes it got boring riding in the wagon all day for weeks and weeks. Do you get bored sometimes? I have made some puzzles about myself that you might enjoy -- click on the wagon if you would like to try some!

As I said, it seemed like my Pa was always taking us to some new place -- my Ma said he had an itching foot, always wanting to go further West. We had to leave behind family and friends, and some of our things too, every new place we went, but one thing we never left behind was my Pa's fiddle. He played his fiddle for us when we were happy, and my sisters and I danced and sang. He played it when we were sad to cheer us up. And he softly played us to sleep each night. My Pa will play his fiddle for you too, if you like -- just click on him!

My Ma worked very hard, and my sister Mary and I helped her as much as we could. Even though she had lots of work to do and was always very busy, she took time to teach us our lessons when we weren't able to go to school, and to help us with them when we were. Ma would be glad to help you with your schoolwork too, if you are doing a project on me. Just click her picture!

I mentioned my big sister Mary already. We played together a lot when we were little, and we fought sometimes too, especially over whose hair was prettier. I also had a little sister named Carrie, and a baby sister named Grace. If you would like to know more about my family, just click on Mary -- she'd be glad to tell you anything you want to know! She's the one with the golden hair helping Ma.

My hair is brown, just like Pa's. I think brown is a lovely color, don't you? I had lots of exciting adventures when I was a little girl, and my life after I grew up wasn't dull either. If you would like me to tell you all about myself, just click on my picture. You should know me easily by my brown braids and my dancing feet!

Do you see the little brown dog dancing with me? That's my dog Jack. He was my very first friend, but as I grew up, I had lots of other friends too. If you would like to find out more about them, just click Jack's picture!

That should be plenty to get you started! If you would like to color a picture of me, too, just click on the creek -- I can see my reflection in the water when I look down into it and it makes a nice picture that you can print out and color!

I hope you enjoy the things on this site, and I hope you will keep on reading my books! I wrote them especially for you!!!

Pop Goes the Weasel

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Frontier Girl

Copyright © 1996 - 2008
Rebecca Brammer & Phil Greetham
Do not use without permission.